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Remote Select Acquisition Group: Initial Contact Form

Thank you for considering Remote Select Acquisition Group as a potential partner for your business. Please take a few moments to fill out the following form. Your responses will help us better understand your business and determine if it aligns with our acquisition criteria.


Contact Information:
- Name:
- Email:
- Phone Number:


Business Details:
- Business Name:
- Industry:
- Annual Revenue ($):
- EBITDA Margin (%):
- Years in Operation:
- Number of Employees:
- Location(s):


Reason for Selling:
Please briefly describe why you are considering selling your business:


Confidentiality Agreement (NDA):
By submitting this form, you agree to keep all information provided confidential and for the sole use of Remote Select Acquisition Group in evaluating the potential acquisition of your business. Additionally, you agree to the terms outlined in our Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), a copy of which will be provided to you for review and signature.


Non-Binding Agreement:
Please note that submission of this form and engagement in discussions with Remote Select Acquisition Group do not imply any legal obligation to sell your business to us. You are under no obligation to proceed with any proposed transaction or agreement.


Upon signing the NDA, we will proceed to Phase 2 of the process, where we will gather additional information to further evaluate your business. Thank you for your cooperation.


Start The Process Now!




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